Wednesday, February 25, 2009

soo its been awhile- we are so sorry b/c we know everyone checks up on us everytime yall get online. anyways, friday we went to villa d'este and villa adriana in Tivoli. Annie is getting married at villa d'este- but we asked our tour guide how much it costs to have weddings there and he said it isn't possible. To quote him, ' not even the president can have a wedding here.' So I have a feeling we will meet some resistance when I try to have my wedding there...maybe dad should start working on it now? Needless to say, villa d'este was annie's favorite but rachel's favorite was villa adriana because it was more open and spacious. Friday night the whole crew went out in Testaccio to a Salsa club!!! Lili had painted our faces with cool designs for Mardi Gras and we were all feeling a little sassy. The club was pretty authentic it seemed and of course, we all scooted right up to the front and attempted to try out our salsa moves. I bet we were a sight to see- but rachel did have a couple of sassy italian/latin dance partners who were just beside themselves to be dancing with such a blonde goddess. Saturday was a rough day and sunday we hung out in trastevere and ate our weight in pizza (our bodies hate us at this point). Monday night, Bri, lili, us and eddie persia went out. we want to give eddie a shout out b/c we told him we'd mention him in the blog. We tried a somewhat sketchy Chinese restaurant (which had fantastic sake that annie consumed WAY too much of). then we smoked hooka. It was a good night. that should be it for the update- tomorrow the four gals head off to Paris for the weekend! wish us luck on our first solo venture...we will blog and post pics when we get back! ciaoo- ci vediamo presto!

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